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Tolkien seminar 2024

12 april 2024 - 13 april 2024

2nd Unquendor Tolkien Seminar

Evil in Eä

Perceptions of evil in the work of Tolkien




On Friday, April 12 and Saturday, April 13, Unquendor organises its 2nd Seminar in Leiden, the Netherlands. The Seminar will be held in the Lipsius-building, rooms 1.23 and 0.05, Cleveringaplaats 1 in Leiden. The theme of the Seminar: Evil in Eä.

The registration is now closed.

This is the programme of the seminar:

Friday, 12 April

11.00 hrs Doors open. Coffee and tea

Session 1

11.30 hrs Renée Vink: ‘Tolkien’s Devils, The Biblical Satan and the Fall’
12.00 hrs David Dodds: ‘‘ “Not his to worship the great Artefact”: Loving and Misloving the Creature, Making and Falling among the Ainur, in Eä, and throughout the life of “Man, Sub-creator”’ ‘
12.30 – 14.00 hrs Lunch

Session 2

14.00 hrs Chiara Marchetti: ‘Food and evil. From the description of food to moral considerations of evil characters’
14.30 hrs Jonne Steen Redeker: ‘The Nature of Evil, and Evil’s Nature’
15.00 hrs Suzanne Klare: ‘Dual Identity: Beorn’s Beowulfian Hybridity in The Hobbit
15.30 – 16.00 hrs Break. Coffee and tea

Session 3

16.00 hrs Sanne Dekker: ‘Exploring Good and Evil in Tolkien’s Fantasy: A Corpus-Based Analysis’
16.30 hrs Markus Davidsen: ‘Narrative archetypality in The Lord of the Rings, with particular attention to the (evil?) nature of the Orcs’
17.00 hrs Lucas Gahrmann: ‘Shadowy Phenomena: Expressions of Evil in The Lord of the Rings and The Children of Húrin’

End of first day. Dinner (for those that have registered)


Saturday, 13 April

10.30 hrs Doors open. Coffee and tea

Session 4

11.00 hrs Jan van Breda: ‘ “The Wanderings of Húrin”: how the Shadow fell on Brethil’
11.30 hrs Stas Vugts: ‘My Own, My Precious, My choice? To what extent was the choice of the 5 hobbit ring-bearers to pick up the one ring an autonomous choice?’
12.00 hrs Yoeri Emmaneel: ‘Evil and Justice in Middle-earth’
12.30 – 14.00 hrs Lunch

Session 5

14.00 hrs Keynote lecture Claudio Testi: ‘The logic of evil in Tolkien: Melkor, Sauron and the Orcs’
15.00 hrs Break. Coffee and tea

Session 6

15.30 hrs Anastassia Dalcolmo: ‘Feared Ladies & Gifted Maidens: Tracing the Figure of the Witch in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien’
16.00 hrs Renée Vink: ‘Tolkien and Zoroastrianism: Dualism and “heterodoxy” in the Ainulindalë
16.30 – 17.30 hrs Panel discussion

End of second day. Dinner (for those that have registered)



12 april 2024
13 april 2024
Evenement Categorieën:


Cleveringaplaats 1
Leiden, 2311 BD Nederland
+ Google Maps
071 527 2300
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